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Showing 71-80 of 275 results for “risk”
The NH Health and Human Services data portal is an interactive website aggregating public health data and producing customized reports, maps and time trend analysis. Developed by the Division of Publi
Health Statistics & Informatics is responsible for obtaining, analyzing and disseminating NH population-based public health data and statistics, while maintaining all State and Federal privacy, se
What is TRECC? The Transitional Residential (and Psychiatric) Enhanced Care Coordination (TrECC) program represents a major shift in the norm of residential treatment episodes (Residential pr
While there can be more than one source contributing to a child’s elevated blood lead — in New Hampshire, children are almost always poisoned by lead dust generated from old lead paint in their homes.
Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by viruses infecting the nose, throat, and lungs. Some groups, such as older people, young children, and people with certain health condition
What is Early Childhood Wraparound? The FAST Forward Early Childhood Wraparound program aims to address the unique mental and behavioral health needs of at-risk young children (ages 0-5) and their