Diabetes Education and Support Program

Information and resources about Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support

Considerable evidence exists linking Diabetes Self Management Education and Support (DSMES) participation to positive changes in health behaviors and improved diabetes-related outcomes.

Benefits of DSMES participation can include:

  • Improved hemoglobin A1c levels
  • Improved control of blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Higher rates of medication adherence
  • Fewer or less severe diabetes-related complications
  • Healthier lifestyle behaviors, such as better nutrition, increased physical activity, and use of primary care and preventive services
  • Enhanced self-efficacy
  • Decreased health care costs, including fewer hospital admissions and readmissions

Importance of Diabetes Self management education and support.

Importance of Diabetes Self management education and support.

Understand the positive impact that Diabetes Self Management Education and Support can make on those trying to better manage their diabetes diagnosis. 


Length: 1 minute and 42 seconds | Transcript: Importance of Diabetes Self management education and support.